Supergroup is - admittedly - a somewhat tasteless term. But in autumn 2020, at a time when every possible gathering of great individuals is a reason for joy not only in art, we would like to bring it back to the agenda. TAU5 is such a supergroup quintet based in Berlin, consisting of five dazzling personalities of the young European jazz scene: Moritz Baumgärtner on drums and percussion, Philipp Gropper on saxophone, Philip Zoubek on electronics, Felix Henkelhausen on bass - and last but not least Ludwig Wandinger as the producer and editor. For the editing work is indeed an integral, almost compositional part of their sound.
Over a period of three years, the material has evolved. What we hear is: Played notations, free jams and renewed improvisations on already edited sessions on this truely circular double longplayer. For TAU5, the end of a process is always the beginning of a new process. "Bitches Brew" meets the spirit of Eric Dolphy or Cecil Taylor if you will. Thus their music is more reminiscent of Flying Lotus in many moments than of a classical live quintet of free, modern or fusion jazz. But of course, TAU5 are neither a curator's nor a producer's dream, but a band: "Next level shit", as the neighbours from the HipHop department might say.
Speaking of which, the musicians of TAU5 are as much influenced by HipHop as they are by electronic music, just as Jazz has long since influenced young people from pop to electronic music with a great matter of course. The geography teacher muff of yesteryear has long since evaporated. Not only that, but also thanks to the Internet.
The music continues to circulate cheerfully anyway. Saxophones with sound alienating plug-ins, complex, hand-played drum patterns and resulting loops meet "natural" sounds and syntheses. Everything is morphing into everything else, just like in the artwork of Berlin artist Markus S. Fiedler. No one can say with certainty whether his pictorial worlds in all their colorful splendor are completely computer generated, or whether it is just a tableau on which photographic elements are further processed on the computer.
What all these questions imply about media perception at our present day? Each of us may decide for themselves. The group TAU5 does not see their output as a manifesto anyway, but as a description of conditions. As if one could listen - just for a split moment - to the creation (or preservation) of systems. As if we were not only listening to the bee, but also to the plant during the pollination. As if we were able to listen to the clouds up there on their journey from the sea to the next farming community or metropolis. Not to forget the passing cars. And the processors in our computers and smartphones...
It is their great openness, curiosity and of course their immense abilities that make TAU5 the supergroup described at the beginning of this article.
TAU5 are:
Philipp Gropper (Tenor saxophone, Soprano saxophone)
Philip Zoubek (Synthesizer, Keys)
Ludwig Wandinger (Electronic, Mix, Edit)
Felix Henkelhausen (Bass, Electronics)
Moritz Baumgärtner (Drums)
Live Remix: Alexandra Hellesnes Revold / DJ Strangefruit
Alexandra Hellesnes Revold

DJ Strangefruit